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7 th Cohort Induction

Foundation University Business Incubation Center (FUBIC) organized its 7 th incubatee selection committee meeting for the induction of 7 th cohort. After intensive reviews and analysis of 62x business plans submitted by startups, 3x incubates were shortlisted and brought forward to the selection committee. All 3x incubates have been selected, by the selection committee, to be incubated at FUBIC for a period of 12 months.


Dr. Tahir Rashid – Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor, International Partnership, University of Salford, UK conducted an exploratory visit to FUI on February 02, 2023. Dr. Tahir Rashid has a fruitful meeting with Director FUSH, Director FUSST, Registrar FUI, GM Finance, Director QA & Manager Accreditation & Collaboration.

The said meeting provided a base line for engaging the two institutions into several beneficial collaborative avenues, including the following:

a.    Articulation Agreements

b.    Progression Arrangement


A team of FUI officials hosted Prof. Dr. Amir Mahmood – Dean Business School, Western Sydney University, Australia for a fruitful collaborative meeting at Serena Hotel on February 02, 2023.

Director – Foundation University School of Science & Technology (FUSST), Registrar FUI, HOD Business Administration and Manager Accreditation & Collaboration represented FUI in the said meeting.

Both the parties showed keen interest in various collaborative activities including the following:

a.    Students Exchange

b.    Faculty Development Programmes (PhD)

Bilateral Students Exchange – Istanbul Aydin University, Turkiye

By the grace of Almighty Allah (S.W.T), FUI students, Mr. Muhammad Hasnat Umar & Mr. Muhammad Zarnain Nadeem – BS Software Engineering (FUSST) have successfully completed their 5th semester under the Bilateral Exchange opportunity at Istanbul Aydin University. The international office (FUI) encourages its students to take part in mobility opportunities and enhance their learning abilities with international exposures. A little Heads up for FUSST Students, the next call for bilateral exchange will be announced in the month of May 2023.

MOU With Greenstar Social Marketing (G) Ltd

On Monday, October 24, 2022, The Foundation University Islamabad (FUI) and Greenstar Social Marketing (GSM) joined hands to implement the youth awareness programme “Khud Ko Pehchaano” (funded by Punjab Population Innovation Fund (PPIF) and Population Welfare Department, Punjab.

FICS’23 – Campus Round

Foundation University Business Incubation Center (FUBIC) has organized “FICS’23 – Campus Round” at FUBIC conference room on 9 th January 2023 at 11:00 am. 36x applicants from the department of Software Engineering and Electrical Engineering participated in the competition and pitched their innovative projects. After due deliberations, evaluation panel shortlisted 10x projects for the next stage of FICS’23.

FUBIC Awareness Seminar Delivered To The Department Of Engineering & Technology Students

Foundation University Business Incubation Center (FUBIC) awareness seminar deliver on 30 th November, 2022 by Manager FUBIC Syed Taimoor Hassan, to the students of Engineering & Technology, FUSST regarding all the activities of FUBIC to mentor them towards starting their own startup with the help of FUBIC.

Visit Of TANG International Education Group At Foundation University College Of Physical Therapy

A team of TANG Chinese International Education & Technology (Pvt.) Ltd, led by – Mr. Max Ma – CEO and accompanied by Mr. Zargham Abbas – Business Development Manager and Rashid Mehmood – Manager Academics & Operations visited Foundation University College of Physical Therapy on January 04, 2023.

Postgraduate Program Review (PGPR) Of Foundation University Islamabad

The Postgraduate Program Review (PGPR) of Foundation University Islamabad was successfully conducted by the Department of Quality Assurance (DQA) on December 13th - 14th 2022 at FUSST and FUCP. The HEC Review Panel was consisted of following members:
1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal, Dean Arts & Social Sciences, Lahore College of Women University, Lahore.
2. Dr. Ghulam Mujtaba Shaikh, Professor, Sukkur IBA University, Sukkur
3. Prof. Dr. Hammad Naveed, Professor, FAST NUCES, Lahore.

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